Dec 2, 6 pm
Panel discussion

Making space.


With: Siegfried Stupnig (Verein Aspis), Angelika Hödl (Radio Agora), Sabine Jakosch (Verein Astern), Fritz Hock (K3 Filmfestival, CityKIS), Raimund Spöck (Verein Innenhofkultur, Raj), Karin Rauter Zamernik (Verein Ballhaus) et al.

Especially in regions like Carinthia with restrictive cultural policies, particular importance must be attributed to initiatives that strive for something like a counter culture, a counter-public or simply social free spaces. This evening, various projects—both realized and failed—for creating alternative spaces and critical publics in Klagenfurt and throughout Carinthia will be discussed with their representatives. These might be cultural or political spaces, venues,  media or micro-economic cooperatives representing social models that depart from the usual commercial interests or official culture and politics. At issue here is also the conflict-prone relationship between politics/ bureaucracy and self-organization. How do such initiatives define their goals? What obstacles do they face? And what strategies do they apply to assert their interests?