permanent projects

Josef Dabernig (A)

Einrichtung eines Kunstraums (Furnishing an Art Space)
The Kunstraum art space (12 x 9.7 m) is located on the ground floor of Building 2, with a view toward Building 1 in the west, toward the university in the north and toward Building 4 in the south. The close proximity to university facilities and to the neighboring administrative offices with their lecture hall, and especially the view of a terrace café in Building 1, guarantee the Kunstraum transparency with relation to its environment. This transparency should be used in the medium term to promote the expansion of its function out into the surrounding area. The space understands its mission to be that of a place for the establishment and accompaniment of the Lakeside Art Project. It is conceived as a venue for presentations, events, exhibitions, as a discussion platform and as a research area for the study of literature supporting the various projects. The space is also meant to be an open communication zone during operating hours.

I basically tried to establish a model for functional furnishings in a dialectic with the architectonic language of the space. I see my design approach as an ironic and critical contribution to the debate on the extended concept of sculpture that is currently being expressed in significant recent examples of museum architecture. (J.D.) … >>