

This summer, Kunstraum Lakeside, an international exhibition and discussion space, will be presenting diverse artistic practices involving the theme of work. The geographies of inequality in wage labor are revealed in Sascha Reichstein’s visual investigation “Be my Guest.” She takes the Hilton Hotels as her model, which, with their standardized offers worldwide, are regarded as a globalized brand for those enjoying a higher standard of living. Sociologist Klaus Ronneberger will speak on changing working conditions in our “Post-Fordist” age. In “Non Public Spaces,” Ernst Logar looks at the concentration of protected locations and power complexes in which work usually takes place behind closed doors to which only a privileged few have access. The artist sets himself the challenge of gaining entry to these premises as one of the non-privileged masses using various strategies, and then photographing the inner sanctum.

In the aftermath of decades of dictatorship, South America is regarded as a test laboratory for global social justice. In his work “The New Ideal Line” (T.N.I.L.), a line that manifests itself in various aesthetic forms and figures, Mario Navarro explores the path toward overcoming underdevelopment and accessing the modernity enjoyed in the first world. … >>