April 2, 6.30 pm
Book presentation, Lecture, Panel discussion
What do you mean by «economization»? On recent relations between economy, education and art: Experiences, criticisms, options for action
In cooperation with Alpen Adria University, Klagenfurt
Book presentation
«Zur Kritik europäischer Hochschulpolitik. Forschung und Lehre unter Kuratel betriebswirtschaftlicher Denkmuster.»
Edited by Paul Kellermann, Manfred Boni and Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2009.
Although training institutions, schools and universities all have their own goals and tasks within the scope of the social division of responsibility, they are increasingly submitting to the functions and methods of the business world in order to be profitable and compete in the marketplace. This unilateral orientation must be viewed critically because it has the effect of impoverishing life in general, and culture in particular.
Ulf Wuggenig,
«Autonomy under Mode 2 Conditions»
The transformation in knowledge production and in the relationship of the universities to the world around them has on occasion been discussed in the last decade with recourse to the terms «Mode 1» and «Mode 2.» These concepts were popularized in the 1990s by theorists including Michael Gibbons and Helga Nowotny, and, like «triple helix» or «innovation cluster,» have become part of the NewSpeak bandied about in scientific discourse. The changes adumbrated with their help were described, among other things, as a departure from a disciplinary focus in favor of a cross-disciplinary approach, from academic research that shielded itself from the outside world to «co-productions» by science and society, from the autonomy of scientists to interaction or networking with their environment, or to various kinds of external checks and controls on their production. It was claimed that the Mode 2 paradigm characterized knowledge production
Ulf Wuggenig, Dr. phil. habil., born 1950 in Wolfsberg, Carinthia. Studied sociology, philosophy and political science. Lives and works in Lueneburg and Hannover. After study at the University of Vienna habilitation at the University Erlangen-Nuremberg. Worked at the Universities of Hannover, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Hildesheim and Osnabrück as well as at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and at Zurich University of Arts. Since 1987 (with some breaks) in the Cultural Analysis/Cultural Studies program of Lueneburg University. With Beatrice von Bismarck and Diethelm Stoller foundation of Kunstraum of University of Lueneburg in 1993, actually its director. From 2002 to 2008 director of the Institute of Cultural Theory, currently coordinator of the major Art and Image Sciences und director of the Cultural Analysis/Cultural Studies programs of Leuphana University of Lueneburg. Member of the Senate of this university since 2001.
Panel discussion
«On the opportunities and problems presented by current forms of cooperation between business and art»
With Katharina Schlieben (curator, Shedhalle Zurich), Hans-Christian Dany (artist and author, Hamburg), Ulf Wuggenig (director of the art space of Leuphana University Lueneburg), Monika Mokre (political scientist, Vienna), Gerhard Pilgram (Unikum, Klagenfurt) and Paul Kellermann (sociologist, Universität Klagenfurt)